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Upper North Shore & Northern Beaches Sydney, Telephone or Online

Private Drug and alcohol counselling

Upper north shore sydney and northern beaches sydney

Help with drinking problem and upper north shore

Online, North Shore and Northern Beaches Counselling and therapy for drug and alcohol abus
Counselling and Therapy northern sydney online and phone
counselling and therapy

Are you finding yourself drinking or using more than you intended? Do you often consume alcohol or drugs even when you promised yourself you wouldn't? It can be the same lack of control with process problems such as relationships, gambling or shopping.  It might be time to find understanding and support. We have personal and professional experience to help you.


Dealing with abuse and addiction can be overwhelming. It's challenging to talk about it, especially when you can't understand or explain why you can't stop certain behaviours.


We genuinely understand. With over 20 years of experience, we've been alongside many individuals navigating these challenges. Addiction and abuse don't discriminate based on who you are. Anyone can face issues with drugs, alcohol, gambling, gaming, or even intense relationships, regardless of their background or life story.


  Signs of substance abuse


  • Consuming more alcohol or other substance than originally planned

  • Worrying about stopping or consistently failed efforts to control one’s use

  • Spending a large amount of time using drugs/alcohol, or doing whatever is needed to obtain them

  • Use of the substance results in failure to “fulfill major role obligations” such as at home, work, or school.

  • “Craving” the substance (alcohol or drug)

  • Continuing the use of a substance despite health problems caused or worsened by it. This can be in the domain of mental health (psychological problems may include depressed mood, sleep disturbance, anxiety, or “blackouts”) or physical health.

  • Continuing the use of a substance despite its having negative effects in relationships with others (for example, using even though it leads to fights or despite people’s objecting to it).

  • Repeated use of the substance in a dangerous situation (for example, when having to operate heavy machinery, when driving a car)

  • Giving up or reducing activities in a person’s life because of the drug/alcohol use

  • Building up a tolerance to the alcohol or drug. Tolerance is defined by the DSM-5 as “either needing to use noticeably larger amounts over time to get the desired effect or noticing less of an effect over time after repeated use of the same amount.”

  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms after stopping use.


Each person's experience is unique so we always work collaboratively, understanding the deep feelings like shame or guilt, for example, that often accompany addiction. With our guidance and support, we can walk this journey with you, every step of the way.


Please, reach out to us today for experienced and compassionate guidance.

        Let Us Help. 

Call us on 0424 735421


Counselling and Therapy.

Counsellor, psychotherapist, support, social anxiety, trauma and PTSD, addiction to drugs, alcohol, gaming, technology, sex, love, gambling, animal assisted therapy, online counselling and Northern Beaches and upper North Shore Sydney NSW. 

Counselling and Therapy.

Counsellor, psychotherapist, support, social anxiety, trauma and PTSD, addiction to drugs, alcohol, gaming, technology, sex, love, gambling, animal assisted therapy, online counselling and Northern Beaches and upper North Shore Sydney NSW. 

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